~What To Expect~

We here at Fairbanks Baptist Church welcome you to our church!

The church stands on its strengths of making everyone “feel right at home.” Many of our members live outside of the town of Fairbanks, and thus we are united by common beliefs and not geographical lines.

Here at Fairbanks, you will not be “just another number” in the pew. In fact, you’ll easily find many folks who will enjoy coming over and getting to know you and finding where you’re from. Also, with many annual opportunities for festivities and gatherings, we enjoy the bonds that are formed.

We love our community also and desire to work with others in impacting Fairbanks and the greater Wabash Valley with the Gospel. With over 190 years invested in our community, we have certainly developed a legacy and trademark in our area. We’ve been through our community with the hard times and in the great times of countless generations and lives over the years. Our administrations and affiliations of course have changed over the decades, but one thing has never faltered our purpose.

The purpose of the church of Fairbanks is quite simply to “Plant the Gospel and Raise Disciples.”

That’s it. Everything we do is centered around our mission statement, from the Sunday Morning preaching to our weekly Bible studies and family discipleship times.

We look forward to connecting with you and remember no matter where your walk in life has taken, there is always a home for you here at Fairbanks!